
Wow ascension level build
Wow ascension level build

That 'expense' is totally acceptable if you don't care about Chi during downtime (hence, 'barring DPS concerns', because that lost Chi is lost potential DPS. For this purpose, PS -can- outperform, but Ascension probably will.īarring DPS concerns, PS is arguably better due to its 'Chi Sphere' mechanic: If you Jab at 4 Chi (Yes: Max Chi, NOT 3 Chi) you will generate a Chi Sphere (at the expense of wasting a Chi into overcapping!). cleaner transition with Guard already applied, earlier Shuffle application, or a quick Purifying Brew should you take an early hit before you can get Shuffle up. All that matters is you having the maximum amount of Chi going into the 'active' phase, for reasons such as. Think of it like this: The Chi you had or had generated during downtime is superfluous, exempting DPS concerns. On the other hand, if you are experiencing any downtime, such as you are the inactive tank during a tank swap, you are in a less-damaging phase or role (eg, tanking only 1 Guardian of the Stone Guard), or a phase where you (ideally) take 0 damage (eg, Devastating Combos for Will), you are experiencing downtime. I'm going to assume people understand the function of storing Chi: if you are actively tanking, you probably don't want to. There are what I consider to be two other factors worthy of consideration between these two talents: With enough Haste (something along the order of 10%) you will gain about the same amount of Chi per minute with either talent. This nets upward of an extra Chi in that first minute. This means that your second Power Strikes application in an encounter will be, at most, 19.99 seconds in, and at least, 0.01 seconds in. However, Power Strikes will refresh every 20 seconds from a (seemingly random) fixed time. It was my understanding that the Power Strikes buff would only be reapplied 20 seconds after the last usage of the buff, possibly due to my lack of experience with it since 5.1 hit, or just general inattentiveness.

wow ascension level build wow ascension level build

Previously I had a bit of a misunderstanding about the applications of Power Strikes. This is 107.4 energy per minute, AKA 2.685 Chi per minute (conversion: 40 energy -> 1 chi). Power Strikes: 1 extra chi per 20 seconds. I will be using MY Brewmaster as a baseline, as his gear is 'decent' (480 ilvl, 8.23% haste).Ĭhi Brew: 4 extra chi per 90 seconds. Comment by HelloKittyThis is the best talent of the tier for a Brewmaster, PERIOD.

Wow ascension level build